Tools for a more mindful Internet and Social Media experience Jun 10, 2024 Intro What are the core values of how you use the internet? Minimizing enshittification Minimizing signal-to-noise ratio Vivaldi Browser Extensions General Productivity related Social Media related (extra) Mobile tools Intro This quick blogpost wil be mostly a categorization for myself about some general tools I use to make social media and internet browsing more useful and a generally better experience (for me at least). ...
Useful Nonlinear Models in Python Feb 20, 2021 Context Linear x Nonlinear Fitting curves in Python Initial Guessing and the Jacobian Convex/Concave Models Exponential Decay Exponential decay with lower asymptote Asymptotic Model (Negative Exponential) Asymptotic Model (constrained: starting from 0) Power Regression Sygmoidal Curves Logistic Curve Gompertz Function Conclusion + Code Context All models are wrong, but some are useful In statistics, we say that a regression is linear when it’s linear in the parameters. ...
Sleep - 2020 Jan 20, 2021 My sleep time (in minutes) over the year 2020 Context 2020 was a long year. One of the habits I paid some attention in this year was to measure/improve my sleep quality. Sleeping is a key part of our life, important for recharging your mind, form long lasting memories and learning overall. According to recent research1: The mechanisms underlying the intimate connection between sleep and learning are becoming increasingly clear. ...
Histograms for efficient gradient boosting Aug 26, 2020 Gradient Boosting GBM or Gradient Boosting Machines are a form of machine learning algorithms based on additive models. The currently most widely known implementations of it are the XGBoost and LightGBM libraries, and they are common choices for modeling supervised learning problems based on structured data. Generally, the output model in boosting is created by iteratively building weak learners, where each new weak learner weights more the mispredictions of the last learner, and so on. ...
Generative art using Bézier Curves Jul 13, 2020 Bézier Curves I recently started toying with Processing and generative art, and in this little journey I’ve come across a specific method for curve drawing called the Bézier Curve. It is a parametric curve that is widely used in computer graphics, almost everywhere you need to draw curves: digital typography, vector graphics, illustration software (Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape), animation, etc. This curve has a very interesting mathematical definition (it also has a recursive definition) and can be defined for any degree n. ...
Ethically Aware Recommender Systems in Social Media Jun 15, 2020 This post is based on an article I wrote some time ago; There may be some inconsistencies with the references, sorry. Reccomender Systems In a world where digital information is increasing every year, recommender systems are very important tools to handle the challenge of information overload. A recommender system is a type of information filtering system with the ability to filter information from a large amount of data generated dynamically, according to a given preference, observed behavior or interest from the user [1]. ...
Hyperreality meets Utopian Virtual May 1, 2020 More real than reality In postmodern semiotics Baudrillard coined the term hyperreality, basically a state/characteristic of something unable to be distinguished from reality. When thinking about the concept itself, it’s necessary to understand — in a semiotic sense — what Baudrillard defines as simulation and simulacra. To not delve deep into these subjects here (you can find more in this book), these concepts manifest themselves in postmodern societies with increasingly meta references, for everything. ...
Improving your statistical inferences Apr 20, 2020 Why study inferential statistics? It’s very common to read news and articles with “studies have shown that X!” or “science proves that Y” in today’s age of information. Or even read scientific papers with some dubious affirmations when dealing with reporting results and drawing conclusions from experimental data. Statistical inference is one of those topics in which the basic concepts are very important to grasp to avoid any misconceptions when interpreting it. ...
Monte Carlo simulation of a multi-spin roulette mechanic Apr 5, 2020 Last year I found out about a Gacha game called Saint Seiya Awakening, which I’ve tried to play for some time, but then gave up on it. However I still do watch people play it, people who usually have enough time to invest in the game (it demands quite an amount of your time to be at a competitive level). Gacha games are usually free-to-play, but it is full of loot boxes, roulettes, slot machines, microtransactions and everything else that makes the player want to buy stuff in-game. ...
Generating grid/image points in Python Sep 17, 2017 I was doing some assignment about the Percolation Problem, where given a graph, find if the top of the graph is connected to the bottom. There was some test files included, but I wanted to create my own images. The input file of my assignment has, in the first line, the dimensions of the image. The images are always in a square ratio, n x n “pixels”. The remaining lines of the file contains pairs (a b) of the coordinates in the grid n x n. ...